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Acrylic Urethane Finishes
Italian Coatings Technology Exceptional Performance
Performance Features
- Ultra low formaldehyde
- Almost no oder after finishing - no burning eyes
- Excellent chemical, moisture and scratch resistance
- Passed Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturer’s Assoc. testing
- Will not break down or get soft after years of heavy use
Further Performance Testing
(All resulting in no change to finish)
- Water held on oak sample for 5 days
- 400 deg. F cooking pan on sample for 5 min.
- 1 hour in 150 deg. F followed by -50 deg. F (8 cycles)
- Accelerated UV testing: no fade @ 10 yr equivalent
- 4 hour chemical resistance test: vinegar, lemon
juice, grape juice, orange juice, ketchup, coffee, olive
oil, and 100 proof alcohol